Try To Think Positive To Change Your Life In A Positive Way


Try To Think Positive: This Will Help You in More Ways Than You Realize

If you are positive, you'll see opportunities instead of obstacles.
think positive


There are two types of thought comes in our mind when we try to do something new or unique in our lives first positive and second is negative though, but our mind catches a negative thoughts easily, related to the work which we are trying to do, and because of that our confidence level start falling down, and after that most of the time we avoid or skip that thing. All negative though related to the work comes in our mind and after that we are getting nervous and quit the job. And I think we all faces this type of situation in our lives.

For example: In my college fest I decided to speak on stage in front of so many people, after that I started thinking about this, but after some time later, my mind catch some negative thoughts automatically related to this, like if I made a mistake then everyone will start laughing at me, what if I forgot something from the script and more like this. After that I decided that I can't do it, without even try.
That's how negative thoughts effects us.

Difference between wishful thinking and positive thinking

There is a lot of confusion related to the positive thinking between us. First of all I want you to know that what is not positive thinking.
  1.  As I am thinking And according to that thinking, that's what I want to happen with me. This is not a positive thinking. Our lives are full of surprises we never know what will happen with us. It's not always possible that you will get success in everything 
    you have done. 
    Sometimes it's important to face the failure, to know the value of success.
  2.  I want this. I want this thing any how in my life and I will definitely get this thing in my life if I think positive about this. Only think positive is not a solution of the problem you have to give your best to achieve your goal.
  3. Positive Thinking is also not that you think the only good thing about your future or anything. Prepare your mind for both victory as well as failure.
think about it
I think we all can relate with this picture

How to overcome negative thoughts and start thinking positive

When you are in a situation like that, just find what's good.

When your mind catches negative thoughts, just think that everything in this world has a positive side too. And if you start thinking in this direction, ask yourself better questions.

Questions that will help you to feel better but also to learn so you can grow.

Questions like:

  1. What’s one good thing about this situation?
  2. What’s one thing I can do differently the next time to likely have a better outcome?
  3. What’s one thing I can learn from this?
  4. How would my best friend support and help me in this situation?
  5. Forget about it and do what you love to do
  6. Sometime its better to give yourself some time and refresh your mood, and do things that you love to like
  • Watch movies or Web series
  • Travel somewhere
  • Go to sleep
  • Eat your favorite food
  • Cook
  • Hang out with friends
These are the things I like to do when my mind stuck in this direction.

People don’t care that much about what you say or do.

positive side

It’s easy to fall into negative thoughts when you think about what people may say or think if you do or do not do something.
the truth is that people don’t have that much time, attention or energy to think or talk about what you do.
They have their hands and minds full with their kids, jobs, pets, hobbies and their own fears and worries
This realization  can help you to set yourself free from the restrictions you may create in your own mind and help you to start taking small – or bigger steps – towards what you deep down want in your life.

Power of positive thinking

power of positive thinking

Positive thinking is about much more than just being happy or displaying an upbeat attitude. Positive thoughts can actually create real value in your life and help you build skills that last much longer than a smile.
The impact of positive thinking spills on your work, your health, and your life. You will notice this things in your day to day life.

How think positive will help you

traps of positive thinking

The impact of positive thinking spills on your work, your health and your life. You will notice these things in your day to day life.
Confidence plays a crucial role in attaining success and happiness in life. By having a positive attitude towards everything and believing in all your capabilities, you can easily attain success in life.
By having a positive outlook towards every situation of life, you can keep stress away. Negative thoughts can automatically peek into everyone’s mind which can be avoided by keeping negative thoughts away. By believing in the power of positivity, you can keep all your stress at away.

Thank you for reading my blog about Try To Think Positive To Change Your Life In A Positive Way. I hope you like my thought on this topic and best of luck to find your best.


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