
Showing posts from January, 2021

16 things you can do in your free time

Now a day many of us waste our time doing nothing or thinking about what to do in free time rather than time pass. I think free time is a golden time for you, in this time you can challenge yourself and try to make some changes in yourself. Try to learn something new or different that you never usually do in your day to day life. I will not suggest you to watch movies or listen music because this is very common things everyone knows about it. Try to make yourself better not in terms of education but overall Here is 16 things you can do in your free time according to your interest: 1. Writing Try to write something in free time, it can be a relaxing and calming pastime. When I think about writing, the images that pop into my head are of someone sitting in a field notepad in hand or ensconced in a cozy office with a hardwood desk and stacks of books all around. 2. Dancing Dance is a form of expression and art. However, what most people do not know, is that it also connects people as it w...

How to deal with failure, what is failure, failure motivation

  What is failure? दोस्तों हम में से कई लोगों को असफलता के सही मायने पता है नही हैं, आप मे से कई लोग किसी काम को ना कर पाने या उस काम को ठीक से ना कर पाने को असफलता मानते है, लेकिन ऐसा नही है मुझे ऐसा लगता है की जब ये बात हमारे दिमाग मे बस जाए कि हम ये काम नही कर सकते और उस काम को छोड़ कर हात पर हात रख कर बैठ जाये दुबारा कोशिस ही ना करे उस काम को करने की असल मे असफलता इसे कहते हैं। It's a part of a life not an end हम जब भी कोई काम करने की कोशिस करते है और उनमें हमे कभी सफलता नही मिल पाती तो क्या इसका मतलब ये है कि हम उस काम को कभी कर नही सकते या ये इसका अंत है, जी नही इसका मतलब ये है कि आप अभी अपने काम मे परिपूर्ण नही है हो सकता है अभी आप को थोड़ी ओर तैयारी की जरूरत हो, ओर जब आप अपनी पूरी तैयारी के साथ उस काम को करेंगे तो आप को असफ़ल होने से कोई नही रोक सकता। हा कभी आप को लग सकता है कि मने तो पूरी तैयारी करि थे फिर में कैसे फैल हो गया। बहुत से लोग ऐसा सोचते होंगे किसी चीज़ को ना कर पाने के बाद, जब भी ये बात आप के दिमाग मे आये ना तो अपने आप से एक सवाल जरूर पूछ लेना, 'की क्या मने सही...

Try To Think Positive To Change Your Life In A Positive Way

  Try To Think Positive: This Will Help You in More Ways Than You Realize If you are positive, you'll see opportunities instead of obstacles.   There are two types of thought comes in our mind when we try to do something new or unique in our  lives first positive and second is negative though, but our mind catches a negative thoughts easily, related to the work which we are trying to do, and because of that our confidence level start falling down, and after that most of the time we avoid or skip that thing. All negative though related to the work comes in our mind and after that we are getting nervous and quit the job. And I think we all faces this type of situation in our lives. For example : In my college fest I decided to speak on stage in front of so many people, after that I started thinking about this, but after some time later, my mind catch some negative thoughts automatically related to this, like if I made a mistake then everyone will start laughing at me, what ...